If you are entertaining the possibility of becoming an apprentice, Wheeler Consulting is glad you are here. As someone who served a formal four year apprenticeship, Lance has a very keen appreciation of its impact and, indeed, necessity. That education and experience helped him build the foundation upon which he has built the whole of his career and he knows that it can provide the same foundation for you and our common future.
What To Know and How We Can Help
So, what do you need to know when you embark on this journey? I would suggest that you should begin with equal parts vision, resolve and humility. This is to say, what do you envision your future in this endeavor to be and to understand the steps necessary to arrive at that outcome. Your challenge is to maintain the necessary resolve to doing the foundational and sometimes mundane things from which you can build the vibrant and thriving future that you envision.
These things, of course, must be undergirded by the humility of understanding that you have the opportunity to learn, be trained and yes corrected by those who are masters at their craft and who have stood where you now stand.
We suggest that the six principles of soil health may provide guidance for this journey.
- KNOW YOUR CONTEXT: Consider the opportunities before you and how
they will build into your vision and journey through your apprenticeship
whether you are just beginning or are in your fourth year. - COVER THE SOIL: This is to say, build solid relationships with your mentors
and coworkers as these are the people that will help you grow in this
journey and likely become part of your support network. These things
will prove to be invaluable in your apprenticeship journey and career and
you will find that it keeps you covered and you may cover them at some
point. - OPTIMIZE SOIL DISTURBANCE: There will be times when disturbance
occurs, ie. things don’t go according to plan or mistakes are made. Take
these as learning and growing opportunities. - INCREASE DIVERSITY: Make the effort to be a life long learner. Read or
listen to different voices on various topics to form a well rounded view of
your work and the world. And take a moment to step back and look at the
big picture and who all the players are in your story. - MAINTAIN CONTINUOUS LIVING ROOTS: These are your foundation,
continue to feed your soul and the things that make you the vibrant
person that everyone sees. But, remember that even when the going my
get tough or you’re down(dormant) you can tap into that foundation and
reemerge stronger because of the work that you do now. - INTEGRATE LIVESTOCK: Give back! You’ve been through the pruning or
grazing and emerged a thriving and resilient manager. Now it’s your turn
to become the mentor and build the foundations of the future.
We appreciate the desire of you being part of a new and more resilient future. We, at Wheeler Consulting, welcome you to this journey and stand ready to support your efforts to be part of shaping that future.
Feel free to CONTACT US reach out to us should you have any questions about apprenticeship. And remember, we’re in this together.
On this page you will find links to some of the finest apprenticeship and educational opportunities available listed below:
About Wheeler Consulting
About us
Providing unmatched experiences in Plumbing/Mechanical, Boiler Systems, Regenerative Agriculture, Rotational Grazing, Audubon Conservation Ranching, Holistic Land Management, and that’s just the beginning …