Wheeler Consulting knows how important conservation planning and practices are in the farming/ranching industry. There are so many competitive funding programs that aim to support the development of new tools, approaches, practices, and technologies to further natural resource conservation on private lands. We specialize in helping ranchers find and apply for these funds.
We can educate you about different types of conservation issues that might impact the productivity or natural resources on your farm or ranch by exploring the topics below.
Conservation Topics for Funding Programs
- SOIL – Soil erosion, soil quality degradation, or soil health
- PLANTS – Reduced health or quality of plants (trees)
- ENERGY – Reduced energy efficiency for equipment of field operations
- WATER – Excess water, insufficient water, or water quality concerns
- ANIMALS – Inability to meet livestock or wildlife habitat needs
- AIR – Air quality issues such as greenhouse gases or odors
CONTACT US so we can help you make improvements to land that you own or lease, getting started with Wheeler Consulting will make the entire process easier and pain-free.
Choosing the Right Partner Organization(s)
There are so many organizations ranchers can potentially partner with today. Which one is the right fit for your ranch? Wheeler Consulting can help you narrow down one or several partners based on your ranch needs. We have experience with the organizations below plus many more.
- American Grassfed Association (AGA)
- Audubon Conservation Ranching Program
- Farm Service Agency (FSA)
- Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
CONTACT US and let’s discuss if one of the partners above are a fit for you. We can help you find the right partnerships and help your ranch grow.
Conserving our natural resources is a vital part of creating and maintaining healthy ecosystems on our nation’s lands. Wheeler Consulting knows America’s vitality is rooted in ongoing funding and strong, rooted partnerships. We want to help private landowners across the country conserve and improve their conservation efforts. CONTACT US today and let’s begin the process together.
About Wheeler Consulting
About us
Providing unmatched experiences in Plumbing/Mechanical, Boiler Systems, Regenerative Agriculture, Rotational Grazing, Audubon Conservation Ranching, Holistic Land Management, and that’s just the beginning …